Calamansi Juice Drink from Philippine Brand
Local Filipino Flavors You Must Try
Sweet, a little sour, and definitely refreshing! Philippine Brand’s Calamansi Juice Drink is the perfect treat for a warm summer day. Calamansi is a citrus fruit native to Southeast Asia and predominantly cultivated in the Philippines. (In the US it is also called calamandon.) Sometimes referred to as ‘Philippine lime’ or ‘Philippine lemon’, Calamansi Juice Drink reminds me of tart, but mild, limeade. Note that this product is only 8% juice, and there is added sugar. Makes it more delicious, but not straight juice. It does advertise providing 100% of your daily recommended vitamin C intake!
The juice was surprisingly fresh tasting for coming from a can! The added sugar tones down the lime sourness, and it is very pleasant to drink straight or over ice. I highly recommend adding Calamansi Juice Drink to seltzer for a refreshing citrus spritzer!
Philippine Brand’s juice is both Kosher and Halal certified. Established in 1980, Profood International is the company that owns Philippine Brand. They are based in the Philippines, with locations throughout the country. According to their company profile, Profood is the largest dried fruit producer in the country.
Mix It Up! - Calamansi Juice Recipes
Calamansi Juice Drink is a master mixer! Whether you’re adding a kick to your seltzer or crafting your next mixed drink, calamansi may be the all star ingredient you need! Check out Advanced Mixology’s fun cocktail recipes using calamansi! Some of these recipes reference the Mansi brand of calamansi juice. Mansi has 13% juice, but also includes sugar. Since Philippine Brand’s juice drink has slightly different ingredient ratios you may need to experiment with tweaking the recipes for prime flavor!
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